Who Were The Sons of God, The Daughters of Men, And The Giants From Genesis 6?

The sons of God and the daughters of men. Who were they? Do those titles refer to all children of God? And what’s up with the giants? Where did they come from? Is it true they were created by evil angels procreating with human women? Let’s take a look at what the Bible really says.

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The Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is an ancient text of knowledge and understanding that was popular in Jesus’ day. Is there value in this book for today? Why was it removed from the Bible? What does this book tell us that the Bible doesn’t? Didn’t Satan tempt Adam and Eve with the promise of knowledge and understanding that God was withholding from them?

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An Introduction To Genesis

Our new blog series, reading and studying the Bible chronologically, begins with an introduction to the book of Genesis. Genesis is one of the most well-known books of the Bible for a good reason: Genesis reveals the beginning of everything including God’s plan for our salvation! Join us as we use a combination of inductive bible study, verse mapping, and notebook journaling to conduct our in-depth, deep-dive study of Scripture.

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My Journey Into Chronological Bible Reading And Study

After years of topical Bible studies, I desired something new. I found it by reading and studying the Bible in chronological order. It has changed how I view the Bible because it allows me to study in context instead of jumping around. Join me as I share my journey into the how and why of my new study method: chronological Bible study. Free access to our Chronological Bible reading (and study) plan.

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