Posts tagged Grace
The Book of Enoch

The Book of Enoch is an ancient text of knowledge and understanding that was popular in Jesus’ day. Is there value in this book for today? Why was it removed from the Bible? What does this book tell us that the Bible doesn’t? Didn’t Satan tempt Adam and Eve with the promise of knowledge and understanding that God was withholding from them?

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Christian Prepping

With the chaos and uncertainty right now, many have been looking into adjusting their priorities and getting their houses prepared. Is this type of lifestyle right for you? Is being a Christian prepper putting your trust into your supplies instead of God? Let’s take a look and see if being a Christian who plans and prepares is desirable (biblical).

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The Abortion Debate: Christian, Put Down Your Stones!

Before coming to know Jesus, many commit sins they later regret. Abortion is often one of those sins. Unfortunately, we treat abortion as if it is the ultimate, unforgivable sin. Our words and actions condemn and reject, which isn’t Christ-like on our part. What could God do through the church if we would put down our verbal stones and open our arms in love instead?

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